Construction Contractors

A Log Home Expansion Project

Your construction contractor may mention foundational support requirements and the shrinkage of logs when discussing an impending log home addition on your residential property. Building out or upward are two ways to expand your home. Consider the following criteria to determine which type of expansion you favor more. Support Materials If you decide to add another story to your home, the existing foundation will need to be strong enough to support the additional weight. Read More 

Building Your Home? Why You Need To Install Temporary Fencing

If you're building your own home, you have a lot of things to consider. If you're like most people, you focus on the construction process. However, there's one component that's often overlooked: temporary fencing. You might not realize this, but temporary fencing provides benefits that you might not have considered. One of the most important benefits is the increased security, which helps to prevent break-ins and vandalism. However, there are other benefits to consider. Read More 

Factors That Affect The Cost Of Custom Home Construction

Custom home construction projects have become a popular option for homeowners who want personalized home features, appliances, and fixtures. To get the best value for money on a custom home, you must start by familiarizing yourself with the costs that come with every phase of your home project. Having your home built to specification means you'll enjoy every feature you've envisioned in your kitchen, bathrooms, hallways, and outdoor environment. For this to happen, you must work with a custom home building company. Read More 

4 Key Reasons To Use A Commercial Design And Build Contractor

Are you looking to put up a large commercial property like a warehouse or office block? Project management will be the biggest challenge in such an undertaking. You must interact with various parties, including financiers, designers, engineers, utility contractors, and landscapers. There is a real risk of project delays when these tasks are under different parties. The alternative is to use the design and build model, where one contractor is in charge of the project from beginning to end. Read More 

Want A Sturdy Asphalt Driveway? 4 Things That Have To Happen

If you are planning on installing a new asphalt driveway, you will want to ensure that the structure you install is as sturdy and as strong as possible. There are some steps you are going to want to ensure are taken that your driveway is solid. 1. Prepare for Proper Drainage  When putting down an asphalt driveway, it is essential to discuss drainage issues with your contractor. If too much water gets under your driveway or lies on top of it, it will either settle and crack starting from the bottom, or settle and crack starting from the top. Read More