Making Things: It's All in a Day's Work

Commercial Asphalt Paving Methods That Can Restore Your Parking Lot

If your parking lot has cracks and is faded, talk to a commercial paving contractor about the repairs it needs to restore its appearance. A parking lot should be kept in good repair so customers don't trip in holes or damage their cars. Plus, a lot that's in good shape and attractive looks like it's taken care of well, and that could give customers a favorable impression of you. Here are methods a commercial asphalt paving contractor might use to repair your parking lot. Read More 

Remodeling Before Selling? Tips For Making Your Home More Marketable

Homeowners often overlook the benefits of remodeling their home prior to putting it on the market. This usually happens because the cost of remodeling can be substantial, and it is not very exciting to make changes in a home you are not going to be living in. However, remodeling prior to selling can increase the value of your home significantly, and you can earn back the money you invested in remodeling with the increased selling value of your home. Read More 

Planning Guide For Commercial Demolition

Commercial demolition is a high-scale project that requires significant planning and precise execution. Whether it is a small or massive demo, this task should only be left in the hands of trained professionals. However, even with that being said, as the property owner, there are some measures you can take to ensure the project moves ahead as smoothly as possible. Conduct a Safety Briefing Set aside a time to organize a safety briefing for your staff. Read More 

Have A Crumbline Chimney With Pests Swarming Around? Who To Hire Today

If pests have burrowed into your chimney and done damage to not only the bricks but the flashing as well, you need the help of a mason. Damage to the roof can lead to leaks and issues with the roof, and once the roof is compromised you may have problems all throughout the house.  The first thing you need to do is get the roof treated for the pests. Have all the nests and pests removed, and then remove the damaged materials. Read More 

What Are The Responsibilities Of A Construction Project Consultant In The Construction Industry?

The construction industry receives recognition for being one of the most difficult, so having all hands on deck is crucial during any construction project. When most people think about any type of construction work, they tend to think of the developers and the contractors hired to put everything together. However, construction project consultants are just as heavily involved in these projects as the developers and contractors. Their role is to ensure that everything goes smoothly from start to finish, which is a tedious yet rewarding position to have. Read More